Friday, May 11, 2012

Today I Held My Daughter's Hand....

....while the doctor vacuumed and tweezed a large chunk of crayon out of her nose.

Before we got to the clinic Ash assured me that the crayon was gone.  Maybe she couldn't feel it.  After seeing it, I can't imagine that it didn't cause some sort of sensation.

The doctor shone a bright light in her face so she squeezed her eyes shut.  Then the doctor put this tool in her nose that looked a bit like tiny salad tongs.  He used it to widen her nostril so he could get a good look.  Then he used a little flashlight to illuminate inside her nose.  He said, "Sure enough!  There it is!"

Ash was such a good little trooper and was so brave when the doctor turned on a loud vacuum.  Then he took that vacuum, which had a long, skinny tube of an ending, and stuck it way up into Ash's little nose.  She had a bit of a quivery chin at that point, but kept good and still while he (the doctor) worked on the crayon piece.

She didn't lose her cool until he got out the tweezers and poked around in there.  I think they must have hurt a bit because she finally started wailing, and then screaming.  She screamed at the top of her lungs and kept saying, "Please!  No!  Stop!"  I felt so bad but yet had to smile a bit because I knew that she'd NEVER put anything up her nose again.  The doctor finally got it out, it was a big chunk and Ash immediately stopped yelling.  :)

I gave her a piece of gum for laying so still, even if she wasn't super quiet.  She's only 3.  Who can blame her for screaming? Kind of a traumatizing event for her I think.  Then we went to the Dollar Store for sponges and I let her pick out a treat.  

Of course I didn't get a pic while we were at the doctor.  I was too busy talking her through it and holding her hands.  Hahaha!  The doctor said they get a lot of little patients who've stuffed things up their noses.  So he was a seasoned vet with our particular scenario.

(and just for fun, a pic of my little family)


Eat To Live said...

Oh Jeeze!! Kids. I can remember my Mother getting the tweezers out to pull corn out of my Nephews nose.

An Apel a Day said...

Oh my! That does sound painful! You are right though, at least she won't shove things up her nose again! I guess that is better than shoving things in her ears. I would worry about the loss of hearing! So far none of my boys have done that. They both put things in their yappers though. I've heard of kids swallowing magnets and how they do serious damage. YIKES!

Such a sweet photo of your fam!

Thanks for entering the giveaway on my site!

Saimi said...

Your 'little family' is absolutely darling and I'm laughing at the crayon story...sorry Ash but this reminds me when you youngest did the same with a popcorn kernel. He too ended up at the hospital where the doctor had to fish it out of his nose.

We called him the Colonel after that.

Amy said...

Glad he got the crayon out!! Scary for a little girl.

Cute picture!

Emily Peck said...

OH...MY....GOODNESS. I'm so glad she is ok! It's funny how routine this must be for doctors, lol. One of our family dogs at an entire sock one wasn't pretty...(not that that's equal to a human putting a crayon up their nose but kind of..?) haha..

MommyMert said...

Kind of giggling to myself about the whole visual image. Oh poor little thing with a crayon up there. Darn. In elementary I had a rock/pebble in my ear. A very weird sensation. Happy Mothers Day sweet friend.

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

good to know that it is normal to have children doing all kind of dangerous sports, lol. lovely family pic.

Charmaine Poulin said...

What a little trooper! And a fantastic photo of your family!!!

The Evans said...

Poor Ash! That sounds painful! But I'm gald they got it out.

Anonymous said...

Adonis had a green pea up his nose, and it was there over night. I saw it in the morning and took it out. I only thought boys did those things, guess not.
Beautiful family pic.

Faith said...

oh boy! poor Ash ... i can imagine how horrible of an experience that was! but you are right, she'll never put anything up her nose again, hehe.

love the picture!

mun said...

What a brave little girl! It must be painful. Reminded me of the movie "Total Recall" nose scene.