Monday, July 30, 2012

Today I Am Playing Catch Up and Losing.

You may have noticed that my blog posts have been sporadic and late for a while now.  So many things fall by the wayside when my life gets tough and blogging is one of them.  Remember my post about Ash being sick?  Well, she and Britt had something that was probably Rotavirus for over a month.  That means random vomiting and diarrhea for 30+ days.  I am exhausted.  Both girls lost over 2 pounds.  We did stool testing and were about to do blood testing too when it just gradually went away.  Such a relief.  I was really getting worried.  I'm grateful that Elle never got it.

Then we made the last minute decision to go ahead and go back to Seattle for a visit.  That was last week.  Hence, no posts.  I do have a bunch of pictures to post.  I will get to that as soon as I can.

And then the first sound I heard upon waking this morning was retching.  It's our first day back home from vacation and Britt threw up all morning.  She definitely has a tender tummy (so the McDonald's for lunch and dinner on the road couldn't have been great for her) but it's likely she picked up something at my mom's house (some of my siblings went down with a stomach bug the last couple days we were there). 

(i set up her mattress in the middle of the living room.  we haven't even unpacked yet, as you can see in the background.)

This has been the sickliest Summer EVER!


Rachel said...

That sounds awful! I hope things clear up for you before summer is over!

Teems said...

Hi. I am new to your blog. I totally understand how hard it is to keep up with blogging. I hope your little one feels better.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the babies getting sick. Hopefully no more sickness for the rest of the summer.

An Apel a Day said...

I've had times like that with Mica in particular. I hope they get over the sickies soon! Have you been giving them probiotics? That seemed to help build up our stomachs.

I've missed your blog posts.

Faith said...

aww, i'm so sorry about the girls being sick. i can only imagine how horrible that is.

hope that it is only a 24 hr bug this time and that she recovers right away.

Eat To Live said...

Awwww..... I hope she gets to feeling better. There is nothing worse than an upset stomach.

mun said...

Hope Britt gets better soon. I miss your posts but I agree that family comes first so don't worry about not blogging, we understand.