(Christmas deliciousness)
We're starting off the holiday season a bit early over here. Christmas music is being played regularly, the tree is up and decorated, my nativity sets are displayed all over the living room. So, of course it was time to bake and decorate some Christmas sugar cookies to eat and give to friends!
(ash's little apron)
First the girls decorated some little aprons I got for them with fabric markers. I traced their hands on the aprons, wrote their names and four of their favorite things to eat, and the date.
(britt's little apron)
Ash and Britt mixed all the dry ingredients themselves. I was in charge of the wet ingredients. Britt lost interest after that but Ash stuck it out to the end, decorating all the cookies and even making up a batch of chocolates! A little Bakerella in the making!
(stirring, stirring, stirring)
Remember my Christmas Bucket List from last year? I'm gonna be making a nice new 2012 one, but it will probably include some from 2011. Is it cheating to put, make Christmas cookies on the list just so I can check it off? :P
(rolling out the dough)