Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today I Hosted a Tea Party.

I had this idea, months ago, to start planing and then throwing parties.  And then turning my plans and the pictures from the party into a pdf to sell on etsy.  I looooove planning and hosting parties!

Today I finally threw the tea party I've had in the works all summer (thanks to sick kiddos, it just didn't happen when I originally wanted).  My sister and her family were in town visiting so I MADE it work.  And I'm so glad I did!  We had 10 kids, including my two oldest, and it was just soooo much fun.

We played games, had a photo booth with props for the kids to take home, and TONS of yummy, sugary food!

I'm hoping to get that pdf put together quickly.

(my sister and I, prepping the food)

(little girls sipping their "tea," which was either chocolate milk, juice or lemonade.)

(my kiddos, stuffing their chops full of deliciousness.)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Today I Just Observed My Children Being Spontaneous.

I love how children just spontaneously go from thing to thing, activity to activity.  They are full of imagination and the world is their oyster.

Today I caught Britt being sweet to her doll and Ash performing a wild dance, with a ribbon, to the tune in her head.

Sure do love my little family!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today I Made a Collage.

I made a collage today.  There are a lot of birthdays in my extended family this month (including mine).  So, instead of cards, I decided to just make a collage for everyone to go with their presents.  Then I just added individualized messages on top.  I liked how fun and easy this was.  Thanks to Picmonkey!  I'll probably do it again for each busy month.  :)

Here's what I started with. 


Today I Am Getting Back On Track. Again. For the Hundredth Time.

I am determined to get this blog totally updated. 

Here is my happy, tired mama face. 

Keep checking my blog out.  I'm going to be back posting for a while.  It's still interesting even if not totally current, right?


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today I Taught My Children.

I've been trying to do at-home preschool with Ash and Britt.  Mostly Ash.  I have several activities set up on trays or baskets and put on our shelves.  Every time I put something new on the shelves, I give each girl a little lesson on how to use the materials and then they can choose for themselves when/if they want to do that activity again. 

Yesterday I put out a sorting activity that was a huge hit with both girls.  I filled a box with some string and objects beginning with the letter B (which is our focus letter right now): beads, balloons, blocks, and buttons.  They simply make a loop out of each string and then sort the objects into their appropriate categories. 

I will be doing this frequently, now that I know how much they love it.  I'll definitely switch out the objects and maybe throw in a piece of chalk instead of string since the girls have chalkboard topped desks.  So many possible variations with this one!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today I Woke Up to a Sweet Surprise.

Tony isn't usually up longer than me.  If we don't go to bed at the same time it's usually because I can't tear myself away from a project or whatever and he just gives up and goes to sleep without me. 

Last night I went to bed a bit early because I've been pulling too many late nights and he didn't want to stop watching his show. 

When I came downstairs this morning, I saw this:

Hahaha!  So sweet.  Made out of toilet paper, but that's besides the point, right?  Though, that part of it did make me laugh.  It's kind of like getting lovingly T.P.'d.  Without the messy clean-up.

I love when he gets creative.

So - if you are in the mood for leaving a very unexpected note for a loved one, here's an idea from Tony.  :D

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today I Just Shook My Head.

Why do babies grow so fast?  And why do they always hit their milestones, seemingly, over night?  Elle is officially a crawler.  Has been for about 2 weeks now.  I think it was 2 days after the planking post I wrote about her.

(she is so pleased with herself!)

And now she wants to pull up on everything.  Anything that will hold still long enough for her to pinch a hold of and pull herself up to standing can and will be used. 

(cute face)

**sigh**  I feel like she's growing too fast.  It probably just seems quick in comparison to her sisters, whose developments have slowed down (as it should once they're out of the baby stage).  So much happens in each person's first year of life!

Oh, and on a completely different topic, we went outside this afternoon and britt blew bubbles 'til she was blue in the face (not really).  In other words, she is so proud that she can finally do it herself, she was content for a solid half hour.  Gotta love that!


(i just love her cheeeeeeeks!  lucky girl got my frizzola hair genes.)