Monday, October 11, 2010

Today I Had A Whirlwind Day.

I swear I just woke up.  I thought I should give y'all and update on everything that's occurred since moving.  I really appreciate everyone who left happy, uplifting, and motivating comments.  Love you guys for that!  Anyways, while we were moving we had so much help from my family.  It was such a blessing!  We passed cleaning inspection.  Woohoo!  Now I'm having a hard time finding a place for everything to go.  So the unpacking is taking longer than I want.  **shrug**  As for the whole asthma thing:  I'd been experiencing terrible allergy symptoms for about a month now.  It was worse when I'd wake up in the mornings.  It took me way too long to realize it was dust.  And then I found mold under my daughter's dresser.  That dresser got thrown out.  And then we started moving and deep cleaning, which kicked up all the resting dust.  Yikes!  I had a horrible reaction on the main moving day.  I was coughing, wheezing, sneezing, and wiping my constantly running nose.  It was better when I'd leave the house.  That night (Thursday) we were in our new place and I kept waking up in the middle of the night because I couldn't breathe.  Around 4am (Friday) I called the overnight doctor because it was pretty bad.  I went in and got the nebulizer treatment.  Sweet relief!!  And some medicine.  I'm happy to report that I feel quite normal now and hope that it stays that way.  Today I unpacked, went for my follow-up doctor visit, Britt had her well baby doctor appt (16 pound 6 month baby!), and I also took my 13 year brother to the doctor for a football related injury.  I went to the store twice, made black bean burgers for dinner and now I'm going to go to bed!  Night all! 


Jenny Bolech said...

Whew! All that wears me out just thinking about it! I'm glad you are feeling better. Good luck with the unpacking! I hate that part - I always have a lot of occurrences of "Why did I even bother to pack this???" whenever I'm unpacking.

MommyMert said...

Quite the day! Take tomorrow off??

katskraps4kids said...

OMHeck! you poor thing- it is AWFUL to feel like you can't breathe- or I guess, to actually NOT be able to breathe! it must have been so frightening...glad you got the nebulizer and that it helped. You get some rest girl!!!! The boxes will be there when you are ready for them. I know it's chaos and frustrating but you make sure to take care of you!!!! Sending hugs & OXYGEN your way... =0)

Unknown said...

Wow. I'm pooped just reading this. Glad the move went well and you are feeling better!

An Apel a Day said...

Oh I hate allergies and asthma! I have allergies mainly. They are off the charts. I was getting shots. My dad got shots for years. Then he started getting allergic to all sorts of new things. We both took ourselves off of the shots. Such a pain! I would be like you on move in day I'm sure.

CK said...

Ahhh! What a busy day- and you are sick (with asthma, anyway) to boot!!! I don't know how you do it all!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I am glad you guys got help moving and you are feeling better. It is always so much work and I can only imagine the dust!

Saimi said...

I'm out of breath and exhausted just reading your post. Wow what an ordeal you went through!! It's hard enough moving then throw in not being able to breathe on top of it!! Man hope you can find some time to relax and catch your breath!

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope you don't mind if I follow along with you!

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

Oh dear - hope you are feeling better!!

Caseybumpinalong said...

Wow, what a busy day! Love your blog!