Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today I Threw Dinner Together.

Ok.  I discovered something a little while back.  If you boil your noodles in chicken broth (or any other kind of stock or broth) they are SO gooooooood!  I will never go back to plain water.  Unless I'm using some sort of sauce of course.

Anyways, tonight's dinner involves only 5 ingredients:

Broth - I used chicken.  Heat to a boil.

Noodles - I used whole wheat spaghetti, whichever kind you like, added to the broth as soon as it boils.   Cooked to package directions.

Meat  - I used bacon.  Cook if needed, or you can use pre-cooked leftovers.

Vegetables - I used a frozen mix and defrosted it.  Whatever you use, make sure your vegetables are at least slightly soft.  Unless you want raw veggies, of course. 

Mix the meat and vegetables together and then add to strained, cooked pasta. 

Ok, ok.  We added some grated parmigiana reggiano to the top of our individual servings.  Ash ate hers plain due to her dairy allergy.  So, technically, six ingredients.  And Britt didn't get any, poor baby.  Though she did try to lunge at her daddy's food several times.  She definitely has figured out that she's missing out on something! 

Sorry I didn't get a picture.  We wolfed it all down too quickly.  But it was good and super easy!


Jenny Bolech said...

Sounds good and I love easy recipes :) I'd never thought of boiling pasta in broth but it makes sense that it would be tasty!!

Vicky said...

I love pasta, bacon and parmesean & peas, although I add cream too, because I'm naughty!
It gets called "saturday night pasta" in our house, although it rarely gets served on a saturday!