There are several someones like that in my life! Tony, Ash, Britt, my parents, and my siblings. Basically, all of my family. I think we've all had those thoughts about how we would ever go on if such and such a loved one passed away. I know I have. I don't mean to be morbid, but sometimes I worry. My life would be so drastically altered. Chunks of my heart would go with that someone. I'm sure my imagination comes nowhere close to how devastated I would be. To be honest, I usually change the train of thought when it goes there. I have many friends who have lost children. I am currently praying for friends who have just lost their wife and mother to breast cancer. I am also praying for an older friend who is in the hospital. He was on death's door last night but things are looking much better today.
Life is so fragile. We all take it for granted. And that's a good and bad thing. We don't want to be constantly worrying about when we are going to have to say goodbye in this life. But we do need to remember how important it is to treat each loved one with love and respect on a daily basis. We need to let the petty fights, frustration, and grudges go.
I am simply posting more pictures of my handsome husband and sweet baby girls.

(haha! Tony was tired of pictures, his tux, and the reception in general)

(me and Ash when she was 4 months old)

(britt, w/ her daddy, at 5 months)
Also, my current summertime giveaway ends tomorrow. Don't miss out!
love this post and agree with you 100% ... it is so difficult to think about losing the ones you love. but i think if i remember not to take any of them for granted, it won't hurt as bad.
Beuatiful photos.
You right, family and friends should be treasured.
Even when thay are driving us crazy. xx
Boy your post couldn't be more true. It seems lately I'm seeing a lot of people leaving this world way too soon. It really makes me thankful for my health and the blessing we've been given!
Yes family would be the ones I would not want to live without! To think of them gone is horrible! I can't imagine what my life would be like as a single mother. Really how could it all get done? Not only that, but I'd be majorly depressed. I've come close to loosing each of my babies. Life would be so hard without them! I love them!
Love you, Jamie!!
amen to all of it.
Life is hard, no matter what it dishes or takes. But like good old president Hinckley once said, "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured." I'm so glad you treasure these precious people in your life! You are a beautiful person.
It's so nice to see that you appreciate your blessings!
Hey there! I love this post. You looked gorgeous on your wedding day and the photos of your family are so precious. I pray that things will work out for your friends.
awesome posts! thanks for this reminder - to give thanks for the special people in life. this post and your photos are heartwarming.
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