Friday, September 3, 2010

Today I Made Hummus.

I loooooove hummus.  If you do too then this post is for you!

I made my own hummus for the first time today.  Here's the recipe:

1 can of garbanzo beans (or more if you're feeding an army)

lemon juice, minced garlic and/or garlic powder, sea salt, and cumin to taste. 

Grind the beans up in a food processor and then add everything else.  Add water if it's too paste-ish.

That's it!!!

I'm pretty sure that if you let this sit in the fridge overnight before eating then it will taste even better.  Kinda like soup.  Soup's always better the next day, right? 

It's really good with carrots, celery, and crackers.  Ash used her celery as a spoon.  Ew.

Oh, and want to know the BEST soda crackers ever?  Late July is the brand.  I bought them because they are one of the few crackers I could find without soy or partially hydrogenated oils, at our local grocery store.  I will definitely be a repeat customer! 


CK said...

Mmmm! I LOVE hummus! Especially homemade. You are making me wish my younger sister was here visiting. She cooks (well, er... makes) hummus...

Vicky said...

yummy. You must be reading my mind because I plan to make hummus this week , I have the chick peas and pitta bread all ready. x.

Jenny Bolech said...

Oh I love hummus! My husband made some once before but it was too... chunky? I don't know - something was off about it, probably because the recipe was so complicated! I like your simple recipe much better!!